In order to follow all COVID-19 recommendations and guidelines, we have made some changes to our operation to increase the safety of our guest and staff.

For the safety of our staff and guest, if you or anyone in your party is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, has been exposed, or has tested positive, we ask that you reschedule your stay and fishing trip to a latter date. We are being very flexible for those that cannot make their trip, or choose not to travel during this time. We completely understand and are happy to assist you in moving your trip to another available date.

Please know we are implementing new cleaning and sanitizing strategies and we are taking all precautions necessary to meet or exceed DCD sanitation guidelines.

We encourage social distancing at all times if possible and we are using industrial grade Diversey misting disinfectant techniques after all of our guest depart from the cabins.

All bed and bath laundry is done on high heat and the bedding as well as all door knobs is sprayed with Lysol after all guest depart.

Lysol products such as cleaners, disinfectants and mists are on the EPA list for killing the COVID-19 VIRUS. Our cleaners contain bleach or more than 70% of ethanol so you can say we are cleaning with EPA’s registered products and wiping down surfaces after each client departs the buildings.

If anyone has any questions regarding the Bayou Log Cabins LLC COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting policy please do not hesitate reach out to me so we can talk about your concerns. Safety is our #1 priority,